Masterclass: Dabbing and concentrates | Cannabis University | Cannabis Liberation Day 2017

Hardly known in the Netherlands but very popular in the USA, Spain and Great Britain: dabbing, ie smoking extremely pure and potent cannabis concentrates like wax, shatter and BHO. Tan, one of the specialists at Amsterdam’s Cannabis College, provided a masterclass on Dabbing and concentrates at the Cannabis University on Cannabis Liberation Day 2017.  

Interview Ricardo Baca | Cannabis University | Cannabis Liberation Day 2017

VICE called Ricardo Baca (USA) “the nation’s most prestigious cannabis editor” and Forbes counts him as “one of the seven most powerful people in cannabis”. In 2013 Baca became the first cannabis editor of The Denver Post, Colorado’s leading newspaper. He developed The Cannabist website and starred in the documentary Rolling Papers, screened in the […]

Panel debat medicinale cannabis in Nederland | Cannabis University | Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017

Panel debat medicinale cannabis in Nederland in de Cannabis University op Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017 met Marian Hutten, Serge de Bruin, Freek Polak en Bart Hissink. Marian Hutten en Serge de Bruin Marian en Serge zijn de drijvende krachten achter de stichting Patiënten Groep Medicinale Cannabis Gebruikers (PGMCG) uit Tilburg. Zij boekten een opmerkelijk succes: een […]

Panel Debat Reguleren In Nederland | Cannabis University | Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017

Cannabis University paneldebat op Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017: ‘Reguleren in Nederland: kansen en risico’s’. Met August de Loor, Bart Vollenberg, Derrick Bergman, Rick Brand. Moderator: Steven Kompier. August De Loor August De Loor is een van Nederlands bekendste deskundigen op het gebied van drugsbeleid. Sinds 1986 leidt hij het Adviesburo Drugs in Amsterdam. Bart Vollenberg Bart […]

Take medical use of cannabis seriously, patients can’t wait

After the World Health Organization (WHO) initially failed to produce their recommendations, on February 1st their recommendations to reschedule cannabis were leaked. Last week, the European Parliament came with their response: take medicinal cannabis seriously. It’s an important message, as clinical trials and the entire pharma chain is taking far too long for patients. The product […]

UN drugs watchdog out of tune with reality

Earlier this week, the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) – the UN watchdog on compliance with the international drug control conventions – has released its latest position on cannabis which largely warns against ‘medical cannabis’ rather than welcoming the many advances in the therapeutic applications of the plant. Recreational and medical cannabis are “contrary to […]