Should Cannabis Social Clubs be included in the legalization discussion?
Cannabis Social Clubs in Spain: legal or not? pain now counts more clubs than the Netherlands has coffeeshops. But whereas the coffeeshops in the Netherlands can sell cannabis openly (if they stick to the rules, which is difficult with an illegal supply chain), Cannabis Social Clubs were for a couple days actually legal in 2017. Few […]
Medicinale Cannabis: De Stand van Zaken | Cannabis University 2018
Een discussie over de rol van Social Clubs en eigen kweek in verhouding tot de grote bedrijven m.b.t. medicinale cannabis in Nederland. Opgenomen tijdens Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2018, met: Rinus Beintema (Suver Nuver) EN: With the opening of the first Suver Nuver Medical Social Club in Leeuwarden in October 2015, Rinus Beintema started a movement that […]
De Waanzin van de Speekseltest Deel 1 | Roadside Drug Testing Pt. 1
Cannabis News Network presents an exclusive multi-part series about the insanity of the saliva test in Dutch, English subtitles.
Hans Kamperman: An Act of Love
Note: English subtitles available. Hans Kamperman is fighting for the decriminalisation of cannabis. Since the beginning of 2018, he has been camping out in front of the parliament building in The Hague. The sad peak of his campaign was a failed suicide attempt.
Chris Conrad & Mikki Norris: Their Story | Pt. 2: Activism
Chris Conrad and Mikki Norris are living legends in the battle for legal cannabis through their activism, journalism, vision and court-recognized expertise in cannabis cultivation and use. Cannabis News Network tells the story of Chris and Mikki in 6 episodes, published every Friday for 6 weeks. This is part 2. Chris and Mikki began their […]
Chris Conrad & Mikki Norris: Their Story | Pt.1: The Golden Years
Chris Conrad and Mikki Norris are living legends in the battle for legal cannabis through their activism, journalism, vision and court-recognized expertise in cannabis cultivation and use. Starting today, Cannabis News Network will tell the story of Chris and Mikki in 6 episodes. Chris and Mikki began their grassroots legalisation campaign in 1988 and championed […]
Former Dutch Prime Minister Receives Cannabis Award | Cannabis News Network
This man is responsible for the decriminalisation of cannabis and the Dutch coffeeshop system. Former Prime Minister Dries van Agt! He received an award from the Dutch coffeeshop owners for introducing the tolerance policy, dividing ‘soft’ from ‘hard’ drugs. The (Koos Zwart) Award is given to those who are at the front-line of the struggle […]
Dutch Parliament votes in favor of cannabis cultivation law proposal
THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS – In a historic vote, the Dutch Parliament voted today in favor of a law proposal, adding cannabis cultivation to it’s country famous tolerance policy: 77 voted in favor, 72 against. The bill will remove the grey area between illegal cultivation and licensed cannabis sale and will also introduce quality controls. The […]
Another Dutch Health Insurance Company Excludes Medicinal Cannabis
Whereas the rest of the world is waking up to the idea of medicinal cannabis, medicinal cannabis patients in the Netherlands suffered another blow this week. Based on a study from the United States, Health Insurance Company Zilveren Kruis Achmea will no longer reimburse medicinal cannabis, reports Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad. It involves approximately 700 patients […]