Panel Debat Reguleren In Nederland | Cannabis University | Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017

Cannabis University paneldebat op Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017: ‘Reguleren in Nederland: kansen en risico’s’. Met August de Loor, Bart Vollenberg, Derrick Bergman, Rick Brand. Moderator: Steven Kompier. August De Loor August De Loor is een van Nederlands bekendste deskundigen op het gebied van drugsbeleid. Sinds 1986 leidt hij het Adviesburo Drugs in Amsterdam. Bart Vollenberg Bart […]

Hans Kamperman Camps in Front of Parliament Until Cannabis Policy is Changed | Cannabis News Network

Since January, Hans Kamperman has been camping in front of the Dutch Parliament building in The Hague to take action against the criminalization of cannabis and to draw attention to his fate. Kamperman: “It is not a demonstration but a one-man action where I sit at the entrance of the House of Representatives and address […]

Reefer Madness in Dutch Parliament | Cannabis News Network

For 40 years, the government has been turning a blind eye to the supply of cannabis to the famous Dutch coffee shops – until this week! A majority of MPs in The Netherlands now seem likely to back a draft legislation from the Liberal democratic party. The new law would regulate the cultivation of cannabis to supply […]

Interview Michka Seeliger-Chatelain | Cannabis University | Cannabis Liberation Day 2017

For forty years Michka Seeliger-Chatelain (France) has been fighting for freedom and free access to plants. She published various books on cannabis and is co-founder of Mama Éditions. In 2015 she published her autobiography ‘De la main gauche’. Inside the Cannabis University at Cannabis Liberation Day 2017, Michka was interviewed by Cannabis News Network’s Steven […]

It’s Darkest before Dawn | Cannabis News Network

Medicinal cannabis is becoming more accepted around the world and various countries are moving towards a health approach instead of a criminal approach. Good news for patients, you would say. But as we’re approaching the point of (semi) legalization of (medicinal) cannabis, the fight isn’t over yet as shown in our latest report It’s Darkest […]

Masterclass: Cannabinoïden en Terpenen | Cannabis University | Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017

Cannabis Career verzorgt beroepstrainingen voor coffeeshopmedewerkers. Mede oprichter Dennis De Rosa Spiering gaf in de Cannabis University op Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017 een masterclass over cannabinoïden en terpenen, de belangrijkste werkzame stoffen in cannabis.  

Cannabis Connecting the Troubled in Northern Ireland | Cannabis News Network

Clark French, the founder of the United Patients Alliance, traveled to Belfast for the first ever held Medical Cannabis Summit in Northern Ireland. A landmark occasion! His exclusive report for Cannabis News Network shows that cannabis can bring people together in a conflict area. The conflict in Northern Ireland during the late 20th century is […]

Criminalization of Cannabis: The Human Toll

As long cannabis is still illegal to get access to, many people are hurt because of that illegality. The international premiere of the documentary; “Grassroots: The Cannabis Revolution” was held in Dublin, Ireland. For three years film-maker Dale Beaumont-Brown followed his cousin Clark French, a young guy suffering from multiples scleroses.  The documentary was first […]

Global Medical Cannabis Summit Dublin 2016: Report & Interviews

We are happy to present our latest installment on ‘Advancements in the Age of Cannabis’, a global medical cannabis summit in Dublin (September 2016). The Cannabis News Network team took off to Dublin, Ireland, earlier this month to attend The Global Medical Cannabis Summit: Advancements in the Age of Cannabis. Surprising to say the least when you realize […]