Dutch system is failing its patients – Medicinal Cannabis as a Human Right | Part 3/4

Cannabis News Network is launching a miniseries on one of the hottest topics in cannabis regulation: the medicinal benefits of the plant and the struggle of patients to get access to it.

Government Interference – Medicinal Cannabis as a Human Right | Part 1/4

Cannabis News Network launches a miniseries on one of the hottest topics in cannabis regulation: the medicinal benefits of the plant and the struggle of patients to get access to it!

Hans Kamperman: An Act of Love | Cannabis News Network

Note: English subtitles available. Hans Kamperman is fighting for the decriminalisation of cannabis. Since the beginning of 2018, he has been camping out in front of the parliament building in The Hague. The sad peak of his campaign was a failed suicide attempt. Many people believe that cannabis is legal in the Netherlands. However, this […]

Hemp farmers in Portugal: 2019 is a lost year.

Portuguese hemp farmers are giving up on the 2019 growing season due to continuing jurisdictional confusion between two government agencies over licensing. The problem started when Portugal’s Ministry of Agriculture issued a clarification in January 2019 making all hemp related authorizations subject to review by INFARMED, the Portuguese Health Regulator that has authority over pharmaceutical […]

Hemp Products of the Year 2019

Hemp fibre-reinforced plastic, hemp protein powder and hemp face cream are “Hemp Products of the Year 2019” For the second time, the innovation award “Hemp Product of the Year” has been granted to the young, innovative hemp industry for finding suitable applications and markets for industrial hemp-based products. After a 10-minute presentation from each of […]

Hemp, booming business, more difficult than you think.

Hemp, it is a booming business, you would say. But, as we showed in our last report, hemp producers are facing problems they never encountered before and CBD, as being the main ingredient of the enormous demand, is still a questionable product in most countries. Like the UK. “Instead of capitalizing on the booming CBD […]

Het Nederlandse gedoogbeleid is failliet | Miniserie | Deel 1

Een driedelige miniserie over het failliete Nederlandse gedoogbeleid door Cannabis News Network.

Het Nederlandse gedoogbeleid is failliet | Miniserie | Deel 2

In deel 2: ‘Ja, in Nederland mag je blowen, maar waar die cannabis dan vandaan moet komen, daar hebben conservatieve en christelijke partijen geen antwoord op.’ De Nederlandse politiek heeft het cannabisdossier 40 jaar lang laten doormodderen. D66, GroenLinks, SP en kleine linkse partijen willen doorpakken en reguleren. Regeringspartij PvdA zegt ook voor regulering te zijn, maar ondertussen geeft de […]

Historic Cannabis Exposure in Rally Sport | Cannabis News Network

As a navigator Bart Hissink crashed, in 2009, with a hundred and sixty kilometers an hour against a tree. He was in a coma for two weeks! After a long road to recovery and lots of medication, mainly painkillers, Bart felt his life could be improved in trying something else. Cannabis! He believes people should have the constitutional […]