Het Nederlandse gedoogbeleid is failliet | Miniserie | Deel 2

In deel 2: ‘Ja, in Nederland mag je blowen, maar waar die cannabis dan vandaan moet komen, daar hebben conservatieve en christelijke partijen geen antwoord op.’ De Nederlandse politiek heeft het cannabisdossier 40 jaar lang laten doormodderen. D66, GroenLinks, SP en kleine linkse partijen willen doorpakken en reguleren. Regeringspartij PvdA zegt ook voor regulering te zijn, maar ondertussen geeft de […]

The rise of Cannabis Social Clubs, a civil revolt?

While countries and organizations strive for a different approach towards cannabis, consumers are just going ahead by taking matters into their own hands: they start Cannabis Social Clubs (CSC). But what are social clubs and how do they work? Can they exist at a time when Local and national authorities are still not willing to change the ridged drug laws? Cannabis News […]

Cannabis in Berlin: Illegal…or not?

In Germany the possession of cannabis is illegal. Even small amounts are prosecuted, but charges are usually dropped.

Coffeeshop owners speak out

Platform Coffeeshop owners in the Netherlands (PCN) organized a conference in order to unite the coffeeshop community, that reached their boiling point. Dutch coffeeshop owners cannot take the harsh laws any longer.

The CannaTest, shows what you don’t want to smoke

In the first episode of the CannaTest, we tested cannabis bought from street dealers in the south of the Netherlands, Belgium and France. This time, we test weed bought on the streets of three big European cities: Berlin (Germany), Vienna (Austria) and Valencia (Spain). And the results are alarming!

Cannabis Movement in Spain will not be gagged!

Spain is one of the most leading countries in Europa in terms of cannabis decriminalization. The country is also the inventor of and leader in the so-called Cannabis Social Clubs. But lately, the Spanish government seems to be determined to bring an end to this revolutionary process. Check out this Cannabis News Network video from […]

A tribute to Howard ‘Mr Nice’ Marks (1945-2016)

The world has gotten a little less nicer today… Howard Marks (1945-2016), a.k.a. Mr Nice, has passed away at the age of 70.

The Green Revolution will be televised!

All over the world the awareness towards cannabis is rising. In the USA already 5 states have regulated the use of cannabis. Uruguay and Jamaica did as well. Many other countries and international organizations are currently debating on how to deal with these changes of opinion. Cannabis News Network shows the global change of view;  […]

Cannabis and the United Nations: Last Chance for Relevance?

Once pushing for a Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, nowadays the United States is the main violator of the 1961 treaty. In April this year, in New York, the UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs, UNGASS, is going to reevaluate this convention.

Het Nederlandse gedoogbeleid is failliet | Miniserie | Deel 1

Een driedelige miniserie over het failliete Nederlandse gedoogbeleid door Cannabis News Network.