Hemp farmers in Portugal: 2019 is a lost year.
Portuguese hemp farmers are giving up on the 2019 growing season due to continuing jurisdictional confusion between two government agencies over licensing. The problem started when Portugal’s Ministry of Agriculture issued a clarification in January 2019 making all hemp related authorizations subject to review by INFARMED, the Portuguese Health Regulator that has authority over pharmaceutical […]
Historic cannabis hearing in the USA, regulation works better than prohibition. Must watch!
The House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security heard testimony Wednesday about the impacts of US marijuana prohibition on American lives and freedoms, as well as the necessary road ahead to protect them. Legal, health, and industry experts addressed members of Congress about the known social benefits of legalization, the massive marijuana arrest rates that continue in […]
Hemp, booming business, more difficult than you think.
Hemp, it is a booming business, you would say. But, as we showed in our last report, hemp producers are facing problems they never encountered before and CBD, as being the main ingredient of the enormous demand, is still a questionable product in most countries. Like the UK. “Instead of capitalizing on the booming CBD […]