Panel Debat Reguleren In Nederland | Cannabis University | Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017

Cannabis University paneldebat op Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017: ‘Reguleren in Nederland: kansen en risico’s’. Met August de Loor, Bart Vollenberg, Derrick Bergman, Rick Brand. Moderator: Steven Kompier. August De Loor August De Loor is een van Nederlands bekendste deskundigen op het gebied van drugsbeleid. Sinds 1986 leidt hij het Adviesburo Drugs in Amsterdam. Bart Vollenberg Bart […]

Coffeeshop owners speak out

Platform Coffeeshop owners in the Netherlands (PCN) organized a conference in order to unite the coffeeshop community, that reached their boiling point. Dutch coffeeshop owners cannot take the harsh laws any longer.

Coming up: Coffeeshop owners speak out

The Dutch association “Platform Coffeeshop owners in the Netherlands” (PCN) held a conference in order to unite the coffeeshop community, and to make a strong stand against the current cannabis policy of the Dutch government. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE DUTCH HYPOCRITE CANNABIS POLICY IN THIS VIDEO Over the last years the once so tolerant and […]