Bobby Greenhash not prosecuted

On October 6 2015 we reported on Sheldon Cramer, also known as Bobby Greenhash. After the police raided the house of this South African medicinal cannabis oil producer and activist while he wasn’t home, Cramer handed himself over to the police the Monday after. After a productive meeting in the police station he was told they won’t […]

Cannabis goes on trial in South Africa

SOUTH AFRICA – In South Africa your life can swiftly descent into hell when you smoke cannabis. This is what happened to Myrtle Clarke and Jules Stobbs. They lived their ordinary lives as television producers, where smokers and got caught. In South Africa there are around 3 million people using cannabis. It is the first country in the world […]

Cannabis on Trial in South Africa, Fake Protesters and Arguments Against the Truth

A report about the “Trial of the plant” in South Africa, doctors for life, fabricated protesters and excellent testimony of key witness professor David Nutt. After seven years of preparing, the Trial of the Plant is on its way. Jules Stobbs and Myrtle Clarke are the driving force behind the Constitutional hearing to beat the […]